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[°ú¿ÜÈ°µ¿] TUTOR ¿µ¾î,¼öÇÐ,°úÇÐ (949)529-0381 ¿Â¶óÀÎ Jenny Kwon (acethem) 2024-6-28  12:11:12
TUTOR ¼öÇÐ,°úÇÐ,¿µ¾î Àü¹®°ú¿Ü ¼ºÀÎ,´ëÇз¹º§,1st-12th

Get a real time one-on-one tutoring to excel in school, career, and life! 
½Ç½Ã°£ 1´ë1°ú¿Ü·Î Çб³,ÀÏ, ±×¸®°í »î¿¡¼­ ¼º°øÇϽʽÿä. 

Study with a personalized student learning plan! 
°³ÀÎ ¼öÁØ¿¡ ¸ÂÃá °èȹÀ¸·Î °øºÎÇϽʽÿä. 

Schedule tutoring sessions with an experienced tutor to excel! 
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ESL, English for ¾î¸°ÀÌ,À¯Çлý,¼ºÀÎ,Á÷ÀåÀÎ ¼ºÀÎ ¿µ¾î ȸȭ, »ýÈ° ¿µ¾î, ºñÁö´Ï½º ¿µ¾î, ¿¡¼¼ÀÌ Ã·»è, ½Ç¿ëÀûÀÎ ¿µ¾îȸȭ, ÀÎÅͺäÁغñ,±âÃʺÎÅÍ, È¿À²ÀûÀ¸·Î, 
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College Admission Prep, College Application Essay 
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College Courses : Science, Math, English (All classes : including Discrete Math, Math for Physicist, Statistics, Biology, Biochemistry, Organismal Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Organic Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology,Microbiology, Physics, Critical Writing, Psychology, Economics 
Essay Proofreading, Guidance on Report write-ups, Online discussion. 
Undergraduate or Graduate level test prepration. 
Reviewing Math, Science, snd English for License Exam, Level Assessment Exam, 
ISEE, SSAT : Private School Entrance Exam Preparation
Reviewing fundamemtal basics and integrated pratices to be prepared for advanced problems.
ASVAB, TEAS, GED and more.
MATH Olympiad Preparation : AMC 10, AMC 12, AIME 
AP :Biology Calculus AB BC Chemistry Physics Statistics Environmental Science, Anatomy Physiology, European History, Psychology 
IB :Physics Chemistry Biology Math 
7th-12th : Algebra1 2 Geometry Trigonometry PreCalculus Calculus Statistics Physics Chemistry Biology Creative Writing, Writing & Grammar Reading Comprehension 
SAT :Math Critical Reading & Writing
ACT :English Math Science 
K-6th :Math, Science Writing & Grammar Reading Comprehension 
K-12, College, adult, and all homeshooling students 
Good tutoring is efficient, and it is stunningly effective. One-on-one instruction goes straight to the heart of education: the exchange between teacher and student. The mentoring relationship that can develop inspires the student to learn. Tutoring sessions offer nowhere to hide, confirming the student's preparedness or exposing the lack thereof. Outside the classroom setting, where academic responsibility necessarily disperses among the many, tutor and student must assume a greater individual obligation. Through custom-designed programs that meet specific goals, a tutor can impose rigorous standards while remaining sensitive to each student's particular strengths and weaknesses. 
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My online sessions are conducted just like my in-person sessions, using a tablet, PC, or even a cell phone in conjunction with a screen sharing program. The student and I can speak, draw, write, and view my screen as we work through problems and I also can have the student's input. 

Afternoon hours 3pm – 6pm PST tend to fill up really fast. Exam time fills up FAST in Late November/early December, and May. due to additional requests from existing and new students. Please try to start your recurring appointments with me in advance to ensure you get your desired time slots. 
¿ÀÈÄ 3pm-6pm PST ½Ã°£´ë´Â ¸ÕÀú ºü¸£°Ô ä¿öÁö°íÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. 11¿ù-12¿ù °ú 5¿ù ±â°£¿¡´Â ÀÌ¹Ì ÇϽôø Çлýµé Ãß°¡¼ö¾÷°ú ±ÞÇÏ°Ô ½ÃÀÛ ÇϽŠÇлýµé ½ºÄÉÁì·Î ƯÈ÷ ¸ðµç ½Ã°£´ë°¡ »¡¸® ä¿öÁý´Ï´Ù. ¿øÇÏ´Â ½Ã°£µé À§ÇØ ¹Ì¸® Àú¿Í Á¤±â½ºÄÉÁÙ ½ÃÀÛÇϽʽÿä. 

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Eastern, Central, Mountain TimeÀ̳ª ´Ù¸¥ ŸÀÓÁ¸¿¡ »ç½Å´Ù¸é 
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Starting from $50/hr :for 1Çгâ 
(I also offer night/weekend sessions) 
Call/Text: (949)529-0381
Email: cbjjk07@gmail.com

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