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Yummy Photo

[ÀϽÄ/Áß½Ä] Á¦»§] 🇨🇳 Green onion bread ÆÄ»§ µµÀü! | ong choy ¿ËÃÊÀÌ Ji hye kim (hello2me) 2020-5-4  14:38:20
ÁýÄÛ 53ÀÏ Current 78¡Æ Clear / Tonight 62¡Æ Clear
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Green onion bread ¸¸µé¾î ong choy¶û ÇÔ²² Á¡½ÉÀ¸·Î ³È³È.
±×·³ ±×·¸ÁÒ. ¹ÝÁ× ¹ßÈ¿½Ã°£ ½±°Ô ¹ÏÀ¸¸é ¾ÈµÇ´Â °Çµ¥ (1½Ã°£) ¹Ï¾î¹ö·È³×¿ä.
¹ÝÁ× ¿ë±â µé°í ħ½Ç·Î °¡¼­ ½¯µå ¶óÀÌÇÁ Å°°í, À̺Ҽӿ¡¼­ ´Ù½Ã 1½Ã°£ ´õ
¸¶Áö¸· 3Â÷ ¹ßÈ¿´Â ¿ÀºìÀ» ¹Ì¸® µ¥¿öµÐ µ¥¿¡¼­ 30ºÐ. ÃÑ 4½Ã°£
Áý¿¡ Á¦»§ÀÌ ÀÖÀ¸¸é, 1Â÷ ¹ßÈ¿ ³¡³ª°í ºÎÅÍ ½ÃÀÛÇÏ´Ï ¾Æ¹«·¡µµ ½Ã°£ÀÌ ´ÜÃàµÇ¼­
ÁغñºÎÅÍ »§ ±Á´Â °Í ±îÁö 1:30 - 1:45ºÐ °É¸®Áö ¾ÊÀ» ±î »ý°¢ÇØ¿ä.
°ü·Ã¸µÅ©Ã·ºÎ : green onion bread [4:38]
- óÀ½¿¡ ¹Ð°¡·ç¸¦ À߸ø °è»êÇß´ÂÁö ¹ÝÁ×ÀÌ Áú¾î¼­ 96g(= 1Tbsp x 12) add Çß¾î¿ä.
Âü°íÆ÷½ºÆÃ: ÃÊ´É·ÂÀÌ »ý°å´ç~ [7] 2019-5-22 / 4420

»ýÀü óÀ½ ±¸ÀÔÇÑ À̽ºÆ®(3ºÀ)Áß ¸¶Áö¸· ºÀÁö¸¦ ã¾Ò¾î¿ä.
ÀÌÀü¿¡ ÀνºÅÏÆ® " Beignets" ¸¸µé ¶§ »ç¿ëÇÏ°í ³²±ä °Ô »ý°¢ÀÌ ³µ¾î¿ä.
ÆÄ´Â ³ÃÀå°í¿¡¼­ ¿µÈ¥±îÁö ²ø¾î ¸ð¾Æ »ç¿ëÇÑ °Ô Àú¸¸Å­.
Àç·á: green onion bread (385 F 25ºÐ) ÃÑ:560g /6 = 93g
- warm water 135-140g, flour 250g, melted butter 30g,
Sugar 1 tsp, yeat 1 tsp, salt 1/2 tsp, egg 1, melted butter 30g,
Green onion, olive oil 1.5 tbsp
- Green onion, egg yolk 1, garlic powder 1 tsp, salt 1/2 tsp

Ong choy /Water spinach/ ¹Ì³ª¸®°ú
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0tvxhIsA68 (4:27)
½Ä°¨ÀÌ ¾Æ½Ï¾Æ½Ï. ä¼Ò¿¡ °íÀ¯Çâ ¾øÀ½. Áú±âÁö ¾Ê¾Æ¿ä.
- Ong choy ±ú²ýÀÌ ¾Ä¾î¼­, ¼Õ°¡¶ô µÎ¸¶µð ½ÎÀÌÁî·Î ¼ÕÀ¸·Î ²÷¾î À߶ó ÁÖ¼¼¿ä.
- Ong choy 454g, garlic 7 cloves, Vegetable Oil 3 tbsp, Sugar 1 tsp, Rice Wine 1 tbsp
- Fish Sauce 1 1/2 tbsp , Water or Chicken stock 2 tbsp, Sesame Oil: 1 tsp, (¿É¼Ç: *°Ç »õ¿ì»ì)
* °Ç »õ¿ì»ìÀº, ű¹°ú ¹Ì¾á¸¶ »óÇ°À¸·Î »õ¿ì»ì¸¸ ¸»¸° °Í (¸Ó¸®, ²®Áú ¾øÀ½.)
- ¹Ì³ª¸® È¿´É: ¿°Áõ¿ÏÈ­, °£±â´É °³¼±, ¾Ï¿¹¹æ, Ç÷°ü°Ç°­
- °³ÀÎÀûÀ¸·Î ¾×Á£À¸·Î °£ÇÏ´Â°Ô ±ò²ûÇØ¿ä. (µÎ¹ø° »çÁø)
- ±¼¼Ò½º·Î °£À»ÇÏ¸é »öÀÌ ¾îµÎ¿ö¿ä. (ù¹ø° »çÁø) ¿ËÃÊÀÌ°¡ ¸ðÀÚ¶ö °Í °°¾Æ ¹Ø¿¡ û°æä ±ò¾Ò¾î¿ä.

👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
Today is Star Wars May the Fourth be with you! 😁

❤ ÇÔ²² ³ª´²º¸´Â COVID-19 ÀÏÁö - 5/4/¿ù
https://www.arcgis.com/ > started foucs (Global) Recovered
• Worldwide Total Confirmed 3,534,367
#1 1,161,804 US, #2 217,466 Spain, #3 210,717 Italy, #4 18,925 NYC
• Total Deaths 248,169
#1 28,884 Italy, #2 28,446 United Kingdom, #3 25,264 Spain, #4 24,864 France, #5 18,925 NYC

• Tested] 7,053,366 (+237,010) last updated 5/4/¿ù 9:32 pm
- NY ¿À´Ã: 985,911 (+26,840) / CA ¿À´Ã: 715,751 (+28,948)
• US È®ÁøÀÚ] ¿À´Ã 1,158,041 (+23,983) US / »ç¸ÁÀÚ:¿À´Ã 67,795 (+1,380)
- CA È®ÁøÀÚ] ¿À´Ã 54,971 (+1,292) / »ç¸ÁÀÚ: ¿À´Ã 2,215(+23) - LA Times
• https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ ( stateº° È®ÀÎ)

• Èù±¹] Äڷγª Åð¿ø ¿ÏÄ¡ ȯÀÚ Áß 163¸í Àç¹ß (4/17)
Àç¹ßÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó, Äڷγª °Ë»ç±â°¡ Á×Àº Äڷγª¸¦ ŽÁöÇÑ °É·Î ÀüÇÔ
• LA] Gov. Newsom says reopening California will begin this week for
Stage 2 of his stay-at-home order would allow some lower-risk businesses to open in communities across CA
- 5/7ÀÏ ¸ñ¿äÀÏ¿¡ Á»´õ ±¸Ã¼ÀûÀÏ °¡À̵å¶óÀÎ Á¦½ÃÇÒ ¿¹Á¤
- ½º¸ôºñÁö´Ï½º w/ pick up including florists, book store
• Michigan] 3 charged with murder of Family Dollar security guard over face mask dispute
- Security guard was father of eight.
• Triumph Foods] More than 370 workers at a pork plant in Missouri tested positive for coronavirus.
- All were asymptomatic (¹«Áõ»ó ȯÀÚ)
- Lab results indicate that 17% of those tested are positive for the virus
• Amazon] vice-president quits over virus firing of protesters as "evidence of a vein of toxicity running through the company culture".
• Costco] to limit meat purchases to 3 items per person from today.
• ESPN] 6days a week Çѱ¹¾ß±¸ ¹æ¿µ ¿¹Á¤

! physical distancing not emotional distance !
! stay health and stay safe !
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